Example work here

Prices: 3 cents per word, $30 for 1000 words, $5 charge for creation of oc in fanfic. Half of payment up front! Please tell me roughly the amount of words you would like for your minimum-maximum
Payment method: PayPal
Will do: Fanfic, original fiction, NSFW, ocs/self ship (character sheet required, example below)
Won't do: Incest, pedophilia, beastiality
I will retain the right to refuse a request if I feel uncomfortable with it and will make it clear if I am unable to carry out the request and will notify you of this at the earlier point possible.
Character Sheet
Sexual Orientation:
Personality Traits:
Love Language:
Speaking Quirks:
Physical Quirks (e.g. twirls hair when nervous):
Body Type:
Clothing style:
Plot Outline:
Climax (can be emotional or physical e.g. [character] runs from [character] or [character] confesses to [character]):
Character Motives:
Specific Moments (e.g. 'I want [character] to hold [character]'s hand at the cinema and for [character]'s hand to be described as rough):
Terms of Service:
General Information: Provide a plot outline, the more specific the better. If providing a character sheet, add as much detail as possible.
Payment: Half paid at first agreeing to the comm and the other half paid once the work has hit half the max word count post any necessary adjustments. Do not send payment until I have agreed to the commission in clear terms.
Time: Work may take 2 weeks to 2 months as I am still a student in full time education. Nonetheless, feel free to ask for progress updates :)
Writing usage: You can not claim my writing as your own, I have full rights to use/display the writing provided to you